Architectural Association | EmTech 04/05 | Genr8 module | Michel da Costa Gonçalves

|  Extract  |  Process  |  Interface  |  Transformation  |




Zone de Texte: The aim of this study was to develop surfaces using the "optimisation” potential of Genr8. By using the evolution command, it intended to observe the proposed solution to inhabit a particular environment containing several obstacles. Genr8 evolutionary surfaces were asked to manage an enclosure within an external boundary simulated by a cube and three others internal obstacles cubes.   
This process agenda also included an interface through which any user could decide, to a certain extent, the configuration of the environment. After this initial definition the forces, reppelors and gravity, were placed and the evolution process launched. Two representative surfaces were generated and stored for interpretation by other software.
This presentation includes the different testing steps that were used for the definition of the relation between criteria and environment.


Zone de Texte: The first part of the studies included testing steps developed to establish an adequate balance between the boundary and different growth modes. The variables used where seed size/multiplication growth, growing steps, gravity/repellor intensity.


Zone de Texte: A similar series of test was performed with one and then two inner obstacles gradually moved aside from the centre of the boundary box.



Zone de Texte: The interface (MEL code) provides the user with the ability to set the external boundary size and the level (z position) of the three obstacles. The horizontal position (x and y coordinates) is randomly defined. The script includes two Genr8 loops defining a set of possibilities for both the upper surface and the lower surface. Copies of each original step are stored and the final file includes all the surfaces generated.

Script sequence:





Zone de Texte: The surfaces obtained through the “house” interface have been reworked in Rhino. The mesh surface were exported and sectioned in order to recreate a useable wire frame. A second phase of transformation consisted in rebuilding the frame’s curves. Then this new set of smother curves was lofted.

Wire frame obtain through the sectioned Genr8 surfaces:


Zone de Texte: Lofted wire frame:



EmTech 04/05 | Genr8 module | Michel da Costa Gonçalves  |  Extract  |  Process  |  Interface  |  Transformation  |