Flotr2 Scatter Plot

We are using the Flotr2 library to make a scatter plot. ScatterPlot can be used to visualize the relation between two types of variables. In the scatter example, we are trying to see the relationship of death and birth rate. You can use size and color "coders" to give specific size and color to different data groups.
Note: Scatter and bar chart are quite similar in terms of settings.

To add a scatterplot to your exhibit, you must include the chart extension (after you include exhibit-api.js):

 <link rel="exhibit-extension" href="http://projects.csail.mit.edu/exhibit/extensions/flotrExtensions/flotr-extension.js"/>

To include a scatterplot, add to your HTML

 <div ex:role="view" 

Replace .birthrate and .deathrate with appropriate expressions.

Other settings (all preceded with ex:) include:

setting name type of value default choices meaning
plotHeight int 400 Height of the plot in pixels
plotWidth int 600 Width of the plot in pixels
color text #D95F0E Any color in accepted html format All the nodes in the graph will be of this color in the absence of color coders
colorCoder text null id of a colorCoder
xLabel text x Label for the X-axis
yLabel text y Label for the Y-axis
xAxisType enum linear linear, log Scale for X-axis
yAxisType enum linear linear, log Scale for Y-axis
xAxisMin float Minimum value on X-axis
xAxisMax float Maximum value on X-axis
yAxisMin float Minimum value on Y-axis
yAxisMax float Maximum value on Y-axis
backgroundColor text white Chart Background Color
yLabel text y Label for the Y-axis
bubbleHeight int 300 Height of the popUp in pixels
bubbleWidth int 400 Width of the popUp in pixels