JIT Force Directed Layout

We are using the the JavaScript Infovis Toolkit (JIT)'s force directed layout to produce a network visualization. A network visualization shows a relationship between data points. Individual data points are referred as nodes. When two data points are related, the relation can be shown with a line between them. This line is called an edge. You can use shape,size and color "coders" to give specific shape, size and color to different data groups.

To add JIT force directed view to your exhibit, you must include JIT library and the exhibit extension for JIT(in addition to the Exhibit API):

 <link rel="exhibit-extension" src="http://projects.csail.mit.edu/exhibit/api/extensions/jit/jit-extension.js"/>

To include a force directed view, add to your HTML

 <div ex:role="view" 

nodeName is the name you display on the node. Replace .label with appropriate expression
edge is the link between two nodes. Replace .adjacencies with appropriate expression.

Other settings (to be preceded by ex:) include:

setting name type of value default choices meaning
plotHeight int 400 Height of the plot in pixels
plotWidth int 600 Width of the plot in pixels
color text #D95F0E Any color in accepted html format All the nodes in the graph will be of this color in the absence of color coders
colorCoder text null id of a colorCoder
shape enum triangle triangle, square, circle and star All the nodes in the graph will be of this shape in the absence of a shapeCoder
shapeCoder text null id of a shapeCoder
size text 6 1-12 All the nodes will be of this size if there is no sizeCoder
sizeCoder text null id of a sizeCoder
edgeColor text #23A4FF Any color Color for the line which links the nodes
bubbleHeight int 300 Height of the popUp in pixels
bubbleWidth int 400 Width of the popUp in pixels