From: (Jeremy H. Brown)
Subject: eGSB: Tonight, 5:30pm, 7AI Playroom!
Date: 04 Feb 2000 12:46:09 -0500

eGSB is hiring! eGSB is a hard-hitting, fast-paced, information-age startup specializing in computer-related specialities. Delusional venture capitalists have dumped millions of dollars on us, and we're hiring anything that moves. This could mean you!

If you join eGSB today, you can experience these exciting job features:

- 80+ hour workweeks! - lottery tickets (AKA stock options!) - egotistical management! - egotistical coworkers! - no discernable business plan! - constant office relocations! - constant office reorgs! - salaries just large enough to keep you hooked! - an almost entirely non-diverse workforce!

As if all this wasn't enough to just drive you wild, eGSB HR droids will help you maintain a state of cognitive dissonance, thereby letting you continue to believe that high salary compensates for lack of evenings, weekends, showers, dates, or proper nutrition. Remember, it's just like being a grad student, and you love grad school, right?

We will be recruiting in the AI lab today! Bring a resume, or just note from your doctor that says you're alive, and we'll enter you in a lottery for the LCS Hummer, at this week's...

***************** e G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ***************** ***************** 5:30pm, 7th floor playroom *****************