Subject: GSB: Tonight! 5:30pm, 7AI Playroom From: Mike Oltmans Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 13:52:29 -0500 To: all-ai There are certain themes that run throughout GSB messages. These are much the same themes that run through the daily grind of life as a grad student at MIT. Today we merge several of those themes. Today's message combines the general theme of "Construction" with the equally disturbing theme of "Housing." These themes will today be brought together under the umbrella of the more general themes of "Ugly" and "Gripe." Being a good computer scientist who is not totally unaware of the corporate world I feel the need to produce an acronym for these themes. Fortunately one emerges immediately: "CHUG." This should not only be a YAA! (Yet Another Acronym) but it should also be taken as good advice. And now for the actual message: as inspired by our "friends" at the evolving campus web page. See you all tonight at the CHUG sponsored and encouraged: +- -+ girl scout benefit -+- 5:30 pm -+- 7ai playroom +- -+