You make the call:

Picture of boxes labeled

Suggested Captions

Out of offices into boxes

No need to hire people, just buy them from Amazon.

Cheaper by the dozen?

Hiring time?

The real reason we moved into leaky Stata? "Just add water."

Ah, that's where they keep them.

So much for thinking out of the box.

At least not stacked in the basement like the students...

The rovolutionary invention, second only to baby dolls...

I'm gross...

Quick, somebody put this up on ReUse!

Frank Gehry's ultimate cubicles


Do I get a gross discount?

Looks like one escaped!

They don't make 'em like they used to...

MIT startup package

Living in a box? Try teaching in a box...

MIT's solution to distance learning.

"Use caution when opening with knife"

Also available in a handy 4-pack

Contents under pressure.

Handle with care.

Do not stack more than 4.

Students not included.

My advisor lives in a box... (just kiddin)

We keep the bots that haven't been assembled here. Now you know why your advisor feels so inhumane?

MIT is an equal box employer.

OCW Plus Edition

Just add water

Greater than 70 lbs.? Oops, can't ship USPS.

For just a slight compromise on space, the faculty finally get offices of standard shapes.

Ah, the role of the mice becomes clear now!

They burn out so quickly, its better to get them in bulk.

MIT is no place for "out of the box" thinking

Out of offices into boxes

220 - is that Alternating Faculty or Direct Faculty?

News at 10 - Faculty hide under stairway to Heaven?

The only way they could all pole-dance was to shrink them to this size & make them line up!

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