From: Mark Foltz
Subject: GSB -- Today at 5:30
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 16:40:10 -0400 (EDT)
		    GSB Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is GSB?

Girl Scout Benefit.

2. Who are the Girl Scouts, and why do they Benefit?

Girl Scouting today provides a safe, supportive way for girls to participate in projects involving computers and technology, careers, the environment, personal finance, and sports.

They bear no relationship whatsoever to GSB.

4. So what is GSB?

A few gradual students wander into the seventh floor playroom, drink (root) beer, and fervently discuss important research topics.

5. Why are your messages so LAME?

Congratulations, you have just volunteered to write messages for the rest of the year.

----------------------------- G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T 5:30 pm Seventh Floor Playroom ------------------