From: Neil Weisenfeld
Subject: GSB Today, 7ai, 5:30
Date: Fri Oct 15 14:34:17 EDT 1999

The scouts are suffering mightily due to the sporadic nature of recent GSBs. Not that a given GSB was somehow sporadic, but that they've been sporadically occurring. I've been working off-site on special scout missions, primarily on the automated extraction of shredded coconut meat from whole fruit with some side work on problems related to the development of caramel-resistant non-stick dental implants (with DuPont TEFLON (r)). For the latter work I hope to be the recipient of DuPont's annual Plunkett award for things that don't stick to things and make funny noises when dropped into water or the slightly less prestigious, but no less exciting, DuPont ``I am TEFLON you are glue, what ever you say will neither scratch my coating nor stick to me'' contest. In a manner uncharacteristic of my usual, to-the-point writing I have strayed a bit. Let me summarize the issues at hand: 1) There will be a GSB today, although I will not be there. 2) Since I may be scarce around the lab (at least this semester) it would be nice if some other good samaritan (as opposed to those evil samaritans one runs into now and again) could take over (if only for the semester) administration of this charitable and tax-deductible cause. 3) The selection is slightly limited, but should be sufficient for today. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= G i r l S c o u t B e n e f i t 7ai, 5:30pm be there or be a malomar or just busy doing other things not that you don't care or anything, it's just that other things are taking up your time, o.k. don't get defensive. I didn't mean anything by it. sheesh. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=