From: "Jeremy H. Brown"
Subject: GSB: 5:30pm, 7th floor playroom (where else?)
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 12:45:14 -0500 (EST)

You've heard it before, of course. In the grocery store, the screaming kids in the next aisle over. Or on the playground, when they think you're deep in your book. It doesn't matter where, really. As the voices penetrate your skull, your concentration goes to hell.

Oh yes, you try to shut it out, but you're filled with the sound: the childish argument, the bullying, the pleading, and the wise-ass dancing around the edge. As the shrillness rises, as the chaos renders your very thoughts incomprehensible, the babble goes on:

Sincerity: I call it Win! Win win win win win! Nah nah! Ricky: Don't call it that! It's not a win! Bow down before my ideology! Wise-ass: Wind! Let's call it Wind! It sure makes you guys blow! Sincerity: It's the one and only win when I really want QuickBooks. Hey, quit pulling my hair! Ricky: Intellectual traitor! I'll bet you're working on computer- recognition of license plates too! Wise-ass: Who, me? Naw, I'm just working on recognizing Human Faces! Bwahahahahaha!

But just as you are about to act -- as reason waves goodbye, and instinct takes over, fight or flight: join the fray or run screaming from the store or the playground or the all-ai mailing list -- at that crucial second which determines whether you spend the rest of your day screaming at the top of your lungs or hiding in the back of the Leg Lab -- at that penultimate moment, a blessed, Adult voice finally intervenes, and you are saved:

Big Daddy Rod: Shut up, kids. Ricky: But they... Big Daddy Rod: Shut UP, kids. Ricky: But... Big Daddy Rod: SHUT UP, kids.

And for that moment, that blessed, sacred, all-too-brief moment of silence that follows the instant of intervention...

For that moment, today's GSB will be marked by our eternal thanks...

As expressed by innumerable rounds of "For he's a jolly good fellow", sung in E minor....

And by free beverages for Big Daddy Rod.

So come, join us, and practice your singing, at today's...

*************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T *************** *************** 5:30pm 7th floor playroom ***************