From: (Jeremy H. Brown)
Subject: GSB: Tonight! 5:30pm, 7AI playroom
Date: 09 Jun 2000 15:30:16 -0400

Those of you living in isolation tanks may not be aware that on Wednesday, Federal Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ordered that Microsoft be broken into two pieces, with one dedicated to operating systems and the other to applications. Microsoft has, of course, promised to fight the order to the bitter end, but those of you, who like me, enjoy hating Microsoft, have probably already begun to indulge in fantasies of the glorious post-Microsoft-monopoly future... the future in which Microsoft applications are ported to other operating systems, and, er, uhm, about five applications are ported from other operating systems to Windows. Let's take a look at that future now:

In the past, Microsoft "Office" would crash Windows and hang your Wintel machine. In the glorious future, Microsoft Applications (MSA, hereafter) "Office" will also crash X and hang your UNIX machine.

In the past, ActiveX, Visual Basic scripts, and a variety of other "features" gave criminals and viruses free reign over your Windows box. In the glorious future, MSA "Outlook" will ensure that your Linux box says "I Love You" with just as much feeling as Windows ever managed.

In the past, Emacs relied on the arcane "Lisp" programming language for configuration. In the glorious future, the soon-to-be-standard MSA Emacs will be configured with Visual Basic.

In the past, UNIX and Linux came in a variety of incompatible flavors. In the glorious future, we will all standardize on the "garlic and rotten meat" flavor of MicrosoftOperatingSystems Linux.

In the past, giving your employees Sparc workstations was a guarantee against their playing Doom on company time. In the glorious future, this won't change at all.

In the past, Bill Gates was an arrogant jerk. In the glorious future, this won't change at all.

In the past, AI grad students would band together on Friday evenings for a bit of socializing and beverage consumption. In the glorious future, this won't change at all.

Come explore the glorious future with us at tonight's...

****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ****************** ****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************