From: (Jeremy H. Brown)
Subject: GSB: Tonight! 5:30pm, 7AI playroom
Date: 30 Mar 2001 15:47:16 -0500

Today's weather "sucks."

Some of you may be saying to yourselves "gosh, unlike this weather, certain sucking can be useful or even pleasant," so let me dispell any misconceptions regarding my use of the technical term "sucks":

Today's weather does not suck like a vacuum cleaner. Today's weather does not suck a lollipop. Today's weather does not suck like certain friends of your acquaintance. Today's weather does not suck like a Ross Perot metaphor, although that's at least getting closer to the mark.

Today's weather sucks dead bunny ears.

(That's bunny with a 'y' -- as in rabbit. In this case, a very long-dead, smelly rabbit, not some cute fuzzy thing you'd want to hug.)

If you're on a spring break trip somewhere else -- anywhere else -- stay there.

If you're at home bailing out the basement, stay there.

If you're huddled in your car where it stalled out in 2 feet of water, you probably shouldn't actually stay there -- put on your swimsuit and head for dry land.

But if you happen to have come to Tech Square today anyhow, then for God's sake, don't go back outside yet! Stick around where it's warm and dry (or at least, given that this will be the 7th floor, dry) and come to tonight's...

****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ****************** ****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************