From: Michael Oltmans (
To: all-ai
Subject: GSB: Today, 5:30pm, 7th floor playroom
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:17:19 -0400 (EDT)
What happens when you start out on "Good Friday" in search of "good
food" and a bit 'o' adventure?  Well, I'll tell you the full story
first but you can skip to the end if you get bored.  I won't hold it
against you.  Actually I might.  I worked very hard on this you

Anyway, starting at "Good Friday" in search of "good food" you need to
stop at the store and get some "fish food" to fatten up the fish for
your "fish taco".  At this point you have an option hard or "softshell
taco".  Of course not being part of the Dot Com bust you still have a
job so you screw the tacos altogether and choose a tasty "softshell
crab" and "king crab" legs instead.  Of course "King George" never ate
as well as you are, chowing on those big buttery legs, but I'm sure
that "President George" has them whilst wandering the Alaskan
wilderness looking for oil to drill (that's "president Bush", the
current one, not the other "George Bush", and certainly not the
"burning bush"--though it's a tempting idea).

Anyway back to your story.  If the dipping butter was "burning hot"
(I'm talking temperature here, not the "red hot" sauce at the trucks)
you may need to grab a beer.  No I'm kidding of course, the beer was a
"red herring."  Anyway, what you really need now is some "pickled
herring" (preferably creamed) to sooth the burning.  Sadly all you
can find is a "pickled egg".  Now if it was an "easter egg" you'd be
somewhere, but "Easter Day" isn't til Sunday so you'll just have to
make do.

Of course Easter will be little consolation because right on its heels
will be "tax day"--where's my "tax cut" Georgey Porgey?  Oh well, at
least I haven't gotten a "pay cut" and "pay day" still comes around
once a month (hopefully not on "Patriots Day").  Speaking of which, I
wonder if "Patriots fans" think that Patriots Day is for them?  If
they do they need to get some "electric fans" turn out all the
"electric lights" (wouldn't want to blow a fuse...) and chill out.
But instead they are probably crouching around their BBQ's in the glow
of their "tail lights" and sitting on their "tail bones" dreaming of
the days of "ham bone" soup.  Some guy at the other end of the lot is
gnawing on a three day old "ham sandwich" and "peanut butter sandwich"
and washing it down with some "peanut butter cookies" he got from the
"Girl Scout cookie" vendor.

Anyway back to your story, (remember that bit about the hot butter?)
well you should really take a few minutes and come compare roasted
taste buds with other tax procrastinators at this weeks very special
convergence of Jesus, taxes, and Patriots "Girl Scout Benefit".

Or if you prefer the short version:

good            Friday
good            food
fish            food
fish            taco
softshell       taco
softshell       crabs
king            crabs
king            George
president       George
president       Bush
George          Bush
burning         bush
burning         hot
red             hot
red             herring
pickled         herring
pickled         eggs
easter          eggs
easter          day
tax             day
tax             cut
pay             cut
pay             day
Patriot's       day
Patriot's       fans
electric        fans
electric        light
tail            light
tail            bone
ham             bone
ham             sandwich
peanut butter   sandwich
peanut butter   cookies
Girl Scout      cookies...

<...and a deep breath for the big finish...>

****************** "GIRL  SCOUT  BENEFIT" ******************
******************* 5:30pm  7AI Playroom *******************

p.s.  one "benefit" will be awarded for the best dramatic reading. :)