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From: walter Thu Mar 1 10:00:31 1984
To: *mac@mc

                     Computer Aided Conceptual Art (CACA)
                      Eternally Evolving Seminar Series

                        YOKO: A Random Haiku Generator

Interns gobble oblist hash	| We will be discussing YOKO and the
Cluster at operations		| related issues of computer modeling
Hidden rep: convert!		| of artists, modeling computer artists,
				| computer artists' models, computer
Chip resolve to bits		| models of artists' models of computers,
Bus cycle inference engine	| artist's cognitive models of computers,
Exposing grey codes		| computers' cognitive models of artists
				| and models, models' models of models,
Take-grant tinker bucks		| artists' models of computer artists,
Pass oblist message package	| modelling of computer artists' cognitive
Federal express			| models and artist's models of cognition.

                     Hosts: Claudia Smith and Crisse Ciro
                         REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED


Computer Aided Conceptual Art
Evolving Seminar Series presents


Recently discovered documents reveal that J.M. Wheeler
designed the first version of Smalltalk in 1952.
It was intended to run on the University of Cambridge's
EDSAC Computer.  The initial implementation, however,
required the entire 512-word memory and was deemed
infeasible.  Wheeler, who is credited with the invention
of bootstrap code, subroutine calls, assemblers, linkers,
loaders, and all-night hacking, can now be properly
credited with inventing message passing, object oriented
programming, window systems, and impractical languages.

This fascinating historical discussion will be hosted
by Steve Berlin and will be preceded by Lunch.

Next week: Lady Lovelace's Encryption Algorithm