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Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 19:57:20 -0400
From:: (Patrick Sobalvarro)
Subject: GSL Friday, April 29, 1994, 12:10 p.m., 8th floor playroom

There will be a GSL tomorrow, Friday, April 29 at 12:10 p.m. in the
8th floor playroom.  Because we are all fellow graduate students here,
I feel that I can be frank with you about the menu.

We will be having the usual high-cholesterol, high-salt pizzas,
accompanied by sugared beverages made from a variety of synthetic
materials, followed by those delicious Hood ice cream bars whose
ingredient list includes many items you don't recognize because you
chose to study computer science rather than chemical engineering in
graduate school.  Try to keep this message in mind while you serve
yourself, and maybe there'll be enough food left over for your
servers, who are:

Chris Joerg
Raquel Romano
Patrick Sobalvarro