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From:: "His name was Matthew Marjanovic..."
Subject: GSL Today, 12:30pm
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 12:04:39 -0500 (EST)

                Wandering Bison Elementary School
                    Subsidized Lunch Program
                    Friday, November 21, 1997
                  12:30pm, 8th Floor Cafeteria

            a healthy, delicious meal consisting of:

                         Mac & Cheese (*)
                         Green Beans
                         Tater Tots
                         Fruit Cocktail
                         choice of Dairy or
                           Juice product

                                      (* - plain, vegetable, bacon & swiss, 
                                            salsa, or polka dot)

	served HOT by your lunchroom staff,
         Jill, Raquel, and Matto

Matt Marjanovic | The Cog Shop | MIT AI Lab | MIT | Cambridge | MA | USA |