JSemcor is a Java library for interfacing with Semcor, a freely and publicly available semantic concordance of English, developed at Princeton University. JSemcor supports access to all currently available versions of Semcor.

JSemcor is written for Java 1.5.0 and has the package namespace edu.mit.jsemcor. The distribution does not include the Semcor data files themselves; these can be downloaded from Rada Mihalcea's website. This version of software is distributed under a license that makes it free to use for all purposes, as long as proper copyright acknowledgement is made.

The javadoc API is posted online for your convenience. So is the version changelog. If you find JSemcor useful, have found a bug, or would like to request a new feature, please contact me.

Binary Files Only
User's Manual
Source Only
Development Kit (binaries and source)
All-in-One (jdk, javadocs, manual)