Uses of Class

Packages that use POS Provides the main dictionary interface and a default implementation. Provides classes and interfaces for the creation, searching, and interpretation of dictionary data sources. Provides classes and interfaces that parse lines from Wordnet files. Provides classes and interfaces that represent the Wordnet data structures. Provides several simple classes that can be used to find the stems of words using Wordnet. 

Uses of POS in

Fields in with type parameters of type POS
protected  java.util.Map<POS,java.util.Map<IExceptionEntryID,IExceptionEntry>> RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.exceptions
protected  java.util.Map<POS,java.util.Map<IIndexWordID,IIndexWord>> RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.idxWords
protected  java.util.Map<POS,java.util.Map<ISynsetID,ISynset>> RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.synsets

Methods in that return POS
 POS DataSourceDictionary.FileIterator.getPOS()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type POS
<K,V> java.util.Map<POS,java.util.Map<K,V>>
          This method is used when constructing the dictionary data object.

Methods in with parameters of type POS
 IExceptionEntry RAMDictionary.getExceptionEntry(java.lang.String surfaceForm, POS pos)
 IExceptionEntry IDictionary.getExceptionEntry(java.lang.String surfaceForm, POS pos)
          Retrieves the exception entry for the specified surface form and part of speech from the database.
 IExceptionEntry DataSourceDictionary.getExceptionEntry(java.lang.String surfaceForm, POS pos)
 IExceptionEntry CachingDictionary.getExceptionEntry(java.lang.String surfaceForm, POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<IExceptionEntry> RAMDictionary.getExceptionEntryIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<IExceptionEntry> IDictionary.getExceptionEntryIterator(POS pos)
          Returns an iterator that will iterate over all exception entries of the specified part of speech.
 java.util.Iterator<IExceptionEntry> DataSourceDictionary.getExceptionEntryIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<IExceptionEntry> CachingDictionary.getExceptionEntryIterator(POS pos)
 IIndexWord RAMDictionary.getIndexWord(java.lang.String lemma, POS pos)
 IIndexWord IDictionary.getIndexWord(java.lang.String lemma, POS pos)
          This method is identical to getIndexWord(IIndexWordID) and is provided as a convenience.
 IIndexWord DataSourceDictionary.getIndexWord(java.lang.String lemma, POS pos)
 IIndexWord CachingDictionary.getIndexWord(java.lang.String lemma, POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<IIndexWord> RAMDictionary.getIndexWordIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<IIndexWord> IDictionary.getIndexWordIterator(POS pos)
          Returns an iterator that will iterate over all index words of the specified part of speech.
 java.util.Iterator<IIndexWord> DataSourceDictionary.getIndexWordIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<IIndexWord> CachingDictionary.getIndexWordIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> RAMDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> IDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)
          Returns an iterator that will iterate over all synsets of the specified part of speech.
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> DataSourceDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> CachingDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type POS
<K,V> void
RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.compactPOSMap(java.util.Map<POS,java.util.Map<K,V>> map)
          Compacts a part-of-speech map

Constructors in with parameters of type POS
DataSourceDictionary.DataFileIterator(POS pos)
DataSourceDictionary.ExceptionFileIterator(POS pos)
DataSourceDictionary.IndexFileIterator(POS pos)
DataSourceDictionary.IndexFileIterator(POS pos, java.lang.String pattern)
RAMDictionary.HotSwappableExceptionEntryIterator(POS pos)
          Constructs a new hot swappable iterator that iterates over exception entries for the specified part of speech.
RAMDictionary.HotSwappableIndexWordIterator(POS pos)
          Constructs a new hot swappable iterator for index words.
RAMDictionary.HotSwappableSynsetIterator(POS pos)
          Constructs a new hot swappable iterator for synsets.

Uses of POS in

Methods in that return POS
 POS ContentType.getPOS()

Methods in with parameters of type POS
static DataType.find(IDataType<?> type, POS pos, java.util.Collection<? extends> files)
          Finds the first file that satisfies the naming constraints of both the data type and part of speech.
static IContentType<ISynset> ContentType.getDataContentType(POS pos)
          Use this convenience method to retrieve the appropriate ISynset content type for the specified POS.
static IContentType<IExceptionEntryProxy> ContentType.getExceptionContentType(POS pos)
          Use this convenience method to retrieve the appropriate IExceptionEntryProxy content type for the specified POS.
static IContentType<IIndexWord> ContentType.getIndexContentType(POS pos)
          Use this convenience method to retrieve the appropriate IIndexWord content type for the specified POS.
<T> IContentType<T>
IDataProvider.resolveContentType(IDataType<T> dt, POS pos)
          Returns the first content type, if any, that matches the specified data type and pos object.
<T> IContentType<T>
FileProvider.resolveContentType(IDataType<T> dt, POS pos)

Constructors in with parameters of type POS
ContentType(IDataType<T> type, POS pos, ILineComparator comparator)
          Constructs a new ContentType
ContentType(IDataType<T> type, POS pos, ILineComparator comparator, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
          Constructs a new ContentType

Uses of POS in

Methods in with parameters of type POS
protected  IPointer IndexLineParser.resolvePointer(java.lang.String symbol, POS pos)
           Retrieves the pointer objects for the IndexLineParser.parseLine(String) method.
protected  IPointer DataLineParser.resolvePointer(java.lang.String symbol, POS pos)
           Retrieves the pointer objects for the DataLineParser.parseLine(String) method.

Uses of POS in

Methods in that return POS
static POS POS.getPartOfSpeech(char tag)
          Retrieves of the part of speech object given the tag.
static POS POS.getPartOfSpeech(int num)
          Retrieves the part of speech object given the number.
 POS WordID.getPOS()
 POS Word.getPOS()
 POS SynsetID.getPOS()
 POS Synset.getPOS()
 POS SenseKey.getPOS()
 POS SenseEntry.getPOS()
 POS LexFile.getPOS()
 POS IndexWordID.getPOS()
 POS IndexWord.getPOS()
          Returns the associated part of speech for this object.
 POS ExceptionEntryID.getPOS()
 POS ExceptionEntry.getPOS()
static POS POS.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static POS[] POS.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Methods in with parameters of type POS
static Pointer Pointer.getPointerType(java.lang.String symbol, POS pos)
          Returns the pointer type (static final instance) that matches the specified pointer symbol.

Constructors in with parameters of type POS
ExceptionEntry(IExceptionEntryProxy proxy, POS pos)
          Creates a new exception entry for the specified part of speech using the information in the specified exception proxy object.
ExceptionEntry(java.lang.String surfaceForm, POS pos, java.lang.String... rootForms)
          Creates a new exception entry for the specified part of speech using the specified surface and root forms.
ExceptionEntryID(java.lang.String surfaceForm, POS pos)
          Creates a new exception entry id with the specified information.
IndexWord(java.lang.String lemma, POS pos, int tagSenseCnt, IPointer[] ptrs, IWordID... words)
          Constructs a new index word.
IndexWord(java.lang.String lemma, POS pos, int tagSenseCnt, IWordID... words)
          Constructs a new index word.
IndexWordID(java.lang.String lemma, POS pos)
          Constructs an index word id object with the specified lemma and part of speech.
LexFile(int num, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, POS pos)
          Constructs a new lexical file description object.
SenseKey(java.lang.String lemma, int lexID, POS pos, boolean isAdjSat, ILexFile lexFile)
          Constructs a new sense key.
SenseKey(java.lang.String lemma, int lexID, POS pos, boolean isAdjSat, ILexFile lexFile, java.lang.String originalKey)
          Constructs a new sense key.
SenseKey(java.lang.String lemma, int lexID, POS pos, ILexFile lexFile, java.lang.String headLemma, int headLexID, java.lang.String originalKey)
          Constructs a new sense key.
SynsetID(int offset, POS pos)
          Constructs a new synset id with the specified offset and part of speech.
WordID(int offset, POS pos, int num)
          Constructs a word id from the specified arguments.
WordID(int offset, POS pos, java.lang.String lemma)
          Constructs a word id from the specified arguments.

Uses of POS in

Fields in with type parameters of type POS
static java.util.Map<POS,java.util.List<StemmingRule>> SimpleStemmer.ruleMap

Methods in that return POS
 POS StemmingRule.getPOS()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type POS
 java.util.Map<POS,java.util.List<StemmingRule>> SimpleStemmer.getRuleMap()
          Returns a set of stemming rules used by this stemmer.

Methods in with parameters of type POS
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> WordnetStemmer.findStems(java.lang.String word, POS pos)
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> SimpleStemmer.findStems(java.lang.String word, POS pos)
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> IStemmer.findStems(java.lang.String surfaceForm, POS pos)
          Takes the surface form of a word, as it appears in the text, and the assigned Wordnet part of speech.

Constructors in with parameters of type POS
StemmingRule(java.lang.String suffix, java.lang.String ending, POS pos, java.lang.String... ignore)
          Creates a new stemming rule with the specified suffix, ending, and avoid set

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