
Provides classes and interfaces that represent the Wordnet data structures.


Interface Summary
IExceptionEntry Represents an entry in an exception file (e.g., verb.exc or exc.vrb).
IExceptionEntryID A unique identifier sufficient to retrieve the specified exception entry from Wordnet.
IExceptionEntryProxy The data that can be obtained from a line in an exception entry file.
IHasPOS An object that potentially has an associated part of speech.
IHasVersion An object that potentially has an associated version.
IIndexWord A Wordnet index word object, represented in the Wordnet files as a line in an index file.
IIndexWordID A unique identifier for an index word.
IItem<T extends IItemID<?>> An item is an object with an ID.
IItemID<T extends IItem<?>> An ID for an IItem object.
ILexFile A description of a Wordnet lexical file.
IPointer A pointer is a marker object that represents different types of relationships between items in a Wordnet dictionary.
ISenseEntry A Wordnet sense entry object, represented in the Wordnet files as a line in the sense entry.
ISenseKey A sense key is a unique string that identifies a Wordnet word (an IWord).
ISynset Represents a synset.
ISynsetID A unique identifier for a synset, sufficient to retrieve it from the Wordnet database.
IVerbFrame A verb frame as specified from the verb frames data file in the Wordnet distribution
IVersion A Wordnet version.
IWord A word, which in Wordnet is an index word paired with a synset.
IWordID A unique identifier sufficient to retrieve a particular word from the Wordnet database.
Synset.IWordBuilder A word builder used to construct word objects inside of the synset object constructor.

Class Summary
ExceptionEntry Default implementation of IExceptionEntry
ExceptionEntryID Default implementation of IExceptionEntryID.
ExceptionEntryProxy Default implementation IExceptionEntryProxyl
IndexWord Default implementation of IIndexWord.
IndexWordID Default implementation of IIndexWordID.
LexFile Concrete implementation of the ILexFile interface.
Pointer Concrete implementation of the IPointer interface.
SenseEntry Concrete implementation of the ISenseEntry interface.
SenseKey Concrete, default implementation of the ISenseKey interface.
Synset Default implementation of the ISynset interface.
Synset.WordBuilder Holds information about word objects before they are instantiated.
SynsetID Default implementation of the ISynsetID interface
UnknownLexFile Represents 'unknown' lexical files.
VerbFrame Default, hard-coded, implementation of IVerbFrame that does not read from the actual file.
Version Default, concrete implementation of the IVersion interface.
Word Default implementation of the IWord interface.
WordID Default implementation of the IWordID interface.

Enum Summary
AdjMarker The three different possible syntactic markers indicating limitations on the syntactic position an adjective may have in relation to the noun it modifies.
POS Represents part of speech objects.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces that represent the Wordnet data structures.

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