Know Thy Coworker

7th Floor Playroom, January 30 at 5 PM
Commissioner: Lauren O'Donnell and Lilla Zöllei

The event is fairly simple. You will be shown, with a projector, slides of various people you've seen creeping around the lab in the wee hours, trying not to be seen. Every member of each team will be given a sheet of paper with numbered boxes. You will simply have to write the name of each person in the box. For most categories of people, getting the first name or the last name is sufficient and spelling won't matter. However, one category will be "names which are frequently misspelled" and for this category, spelling will matter and the full name is required.

Every slide will be worth 100 points. The score will be evenly divided among the people who get that person's name correct. Thus, it will be advantageous to identify obscure and unknown people, and identifying someone like Rod Brooks is not going to get you much. The team with the most points at the end will win.

There will be a zero-tolerance policy on cheating, since cheating will be very easy. If we detect anyone cheating, the whole team will get 0 points for the event!

Start studying now! Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Look at all of the Olympics team pictures.
