Olympic Golf: AI Lab Style

The Concept

In honor of the only golf game that has been inducted into the World Games (sorry mini golf!), we bring you the AI Lab version of Disc Golf! We were going to drive the entire lab 60 miles to the best course in Massachusetts: Buffumville! But, the AI Lab insurance policy wouldn't cover us, and well, a little poll indicated that 2 hours driving plus 3 hours playing disc golf in sub-freezing weather would appeal to few others than Rodney and me. Next, we thought of getting some pole holes (those funny metal baskets with lots of dangling chains you see in state parks) and setting up a mini course on the Tech Sq lawn. This almost worked until security heard about our idea of having 50 people throwing dangerous objects at each other. disc golf in the snow
You could have been here!

A perfect Climo putt So, what are we going to do to honor this great feat? Well, we've acquired a disc golf hole and Rodney and I have more discs than, well, you can throw a disc at, so we're going to run an AI OLYMPICS DISC GOLF WORLD GAMES!!! You and all of your teammates will come to the 8th floor playroom and compete in events such as
  • Longest throw down a narrow corridor with lots of random obstacles such as computer monitors and ten-speed bikes.
  • Closest to pin (get your disc closest to the cool pole hole that we've acquired!)
  • The super cool mini-event: see no disc, speak no disc, hear no disc:
    • We put a blindfold on you---you throw the disc into the basket.
    • We stuff a sock in your mouth---you throw the disc into the basket.
    • I've fallen and I can't get up but I'm going to try to throw the disc into the hole (When you're old, you can't hear, but you also can't stand up!) See how well you can throw a disc while sitting down and wearing ear muffs!
It's easy, see?

The Reality

Okay, here's what really happens. Don't worry, we're not going to stuff a sock down your throat! The event will be comprised of 3 mini-events:
Longest throw
...is just what it sounds like. You get two tries to throw a disc as far down the west 8th floor corridor as possible. We record the better throw.
Closest to pin
...is also pretty self explanatory. You get two tries to land you disc as close to the pin as possible from about 40 feet away. We record the nearer throw. Getting it in the basket scores bonus points.
Short putts
Try to get the disc in the basket from five different distances plus while blindfolded and sitting down (but not both at once!)


Scores from LT and CTP will be given weights of 1/4 each; SP has a weight of 1/2. Sub-event scores will be normalized.
Longest throw
Your score is your distance.
Closest to pin
Your score is 40 minus your distance.
Short putts
Each distance has a different point amount: 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and 2. Each of five regular putts is worth zero if you miss, the specified amount if you make it. The blindfolded and sitting putts are worth double points.
Warning: Rodney and I reserve the right to modify the rules at any time.


The event runs Tuesday, January 28, 10am-noon in the 8th floor playroom. Show up any time 10an-noon. It's a rolling event, so don't feel that you need to come at 10am.

Xmas pole hole 60s guy spinning a disc Sponsored by the PDGA
Don't feed your disc golfer after midnight Keep those discs a spinin' This event brought to you by the PDGA

Created by Jason Rennie

Last modified: Wed Jan 22 15:46:20 2003