ai olympics 2003: mini golf

date: thursday, january 23, 2003
time: 1:00pm
commish: mark foltz

(The image on the Events page is of a Swedish golf-playing robot.)

The Objective

Direct the "ball" into the "hole" using the "club".

The Course

Tee times begin at 1:00pm. The course will have six holes arranged around the seventh floor. Players will play in foursomes, and sign up for tee times (fifteen minutes apart) on a list near the first tee, usually the Seventh Floor Playroom whiteboard.


Note that scoring is heavily weighted for participation.

A player's course score is the sum of the number of strokes required for all six holes (including penalty strokes; see below). Players should get a score card from the first tee to keep score, and return the score card to the commissioner after completing the course. Par for the course is 18 strokes (plus or minus).

The score for a team is the sum of all participating players' scores. A player scores as follows:

Participation18 points
Course ScoreMax(12,48 - # Strokes)
Help Mark Set Up Course20 points
Helping Set Up a Harry Potter Themed Hole0-10 points/hole, according to originality and execution
Help Mark Take Down Course20 points
Wearing Golf Attire5 points per item; Polo shirts do not count

Of course, only the order of the team scores matters for overall Olympics scoring.

The Rules

(from previous years):

7th floor golf has many rules both practical and traditional. And they never change. But just in case you haven't memorized them yet, I'll repeat them:

Meter Rule
There is a one stroke penalty for any shot that achieves an elevation in excess of one meter. In addition, that shot must be replayed. The wisdom of this rule will be appreciated when you learn that in the past we have lost golf balls into the ceiling...

Dime Rule
It is periodically necessary to mark the location of your ball with some small flat object so as not to obstruct the path of other players. The only acceptable marker is a United States 10-cent piece, commonly called a "dime".

Six Stroke Limit
If you are unable to finish the hole in five strokes, you have the option of taking a six on the hole and moving on. This speeds play and helps to salvage unfortunate situations. Of course you can play out the hole if other people aren't waiting. The scoring is designed so that playing out won't hurt your overall score very much.

Obstacles: Wheels, Trash, Cables, Doors, People
In general, if something is in your way, you must play around it. There are some exceptions: Objects with wheels may be rolled about. Trash is underbrush, and can thus be cleared out of the way. Cables are vines, so they may be rearranged at will.

Doors may not have their position changed. You may open a door in order to enter an office to find your ball, but you must return the door to its original position before shooting.

Hackers at workstations in the hallways do not have to adjust themselves to make your next shot convenient, even if they are sitting on chairs with wheels. However, it is considered poor sportsmanship for one team to "suddenly" have many of their players decide to start hacking just as players from another team reach that part of the course.

People walking across the course while you are trying to play are ducks. You can try shooing them away, but in general you just have to wait for them the waddle off. Golfers have been known to quack at the ducks.

It is advisable to check for ducks on the fairway before you tee off, especially if you are planning to apply significant force to the ball. The traditional warning cry of "Fore!" is advisable in this case.

Moving the ball
Before any shot, at the cost of a single stroke, you may adjust the position of your ball by up to one club length so long as you move it no closer to the hole. This adjustment is allowed to pass through walls and other obstacles. For two strokes, you may adjust your ball by any distance, but still no closer to the hole.

When is the ball in the hole?
Note: these rules have changed from previous years.

Who tees off?
On the first hole, players may tee off in any order. On subsequent holes the order is determined by how well the players did on the previous hole -- the players who did the best on the previous hole teeing off before those who did less well. Players who did equally well tee off in the reverse of their order on the previous hole. The general idea here is to waste a lot of time deferring to each other and straining your memories trying to recall what happened just moments ago.

Who goes next?
After everybody has teed off, the player whose ball is farthest from the hole always goes next. Note that there is a notion of "logical distance" that is frequently invoked. If on the second hole, for example, your tee shot carries your ball into the kitchen, where it takes a bad hop and winds up in an empty water cooler bottle, you are probably now "logically away" no matter where your opponents are.

Who keeps score?
Players are responsible for keeping track of their own score. You can count, right? The other players in your foursome will keep you honest.

How do I use the club?
I'm kidding, right? Actually I'm not -- we're more liberal at the 7th Floor Country Club than you might expect. You are allowed to use the club in any manner to strike the ball. For example, when the ball is under a piece of furniture it is frequently useful to use the club as if it were a pool cue, striking the ball with the end of the handle.

Hacking Penalty
There is a two stroke penalty assessed for any player caught hacking during play. The traditional definition of hacking has been: typing an expression to a Lisp interpreter. Given the popularity of other programming languages these days, we will be expanding this definition to cover the typing of expressions in any language that cannot be recognized by a Finite State Machine.

Don't forget to bring a dime.

mark a. foltz (mfoltz at
Last modified: Thu Jan 23 15:22:17 2003