Stata World Logo
The 2005 CSAIL Olympics
January 20-28
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Name Role/Famous Quote

Olivier Koch

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells...

Matthew Rasmussen

Jeremy Fineman

Robert Seater
Strange man living in the basement
Are you going to eat that?

Neal Checka

Wanmei Ou

manal dia
bugs bunny

Neha Soni

be blackburn
Bugs Bunny
What's up postdoc?

David R Cheng

Blaise Gassend

Stephen Peters
Fozzie Bear
"Hey, you broke the build!"

Jacob Eisenstein

Elizabeth Thomas
I wonder what happens if...

Alex Park


Kristen Grauman
Alice (in Wonderland)
You're nothing but a pack of cards.

Sleeping student

Aaron Adler
Road Runner

Peter Osagie

Mike McGeachie
The appoplectic duck guy. Daffy?
"GSB Friday 530pm Rm 9G"

Lijin Aryananda

electronic Max
Domo Kun
don't mess with a fuzzy tv set with teeth.


ali rahimi

Yajun Fang
Mickey Mouse

Rodney Daughtrey
The Pink Panther
Why can't man be more like animals?

Apostolos Fertis

cheese poofs stuck in between the seats on the roller coaster

Bryan Russell
Bugs Bunny

Please send bugs/problems/questions to the olympics commissioner.