The 2006 CSAIL Olympics
January 20 - Feburary 4
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Name Ancient Artifact Left Behind if You were an Ancient Ruler

Jennifer Carlisle
my beer pong paddle of justice and definitely more cowbell

Benjamin Snyder
angry pagan gods


Shay Artzi

Natasha Singh
a written history telling the story of my civilization

Gabriel Zaccak
Holy Grail

George Lee
a booby-trapped treasure room

cave paintings in the style of Mondrian

Justin Werfel
The Ultron

David Demirdjian
An enchanted mouse

my stained glass codpiece

Sabrina Spencer

Albert Huang
cheesy poofs. lots of cheesy poofs.

Alexander Shkolnik
piles and piles of silicon.

Huy Nguyen
faked maps of treasure

Kevin Wilson

electronic Max
bits, bits, bits.

Jeremy Fineman

Hariharan Rahul
A CD with Steve Martin's King Tut on it...

Michael Siracusa

Micah Brodsky

Greg Pintilie
my loincloth

Ozlem Uzuner

Ken Schutte

Federico Mora
an underpants gnome

Tracy Hammond

John Kraemer
a tribal mask from the CSAIL tribe

