The Story Workbench is an extensible platform for the linguistic annotation of arbitrary text.
Note: (9/20/15) The Story Workbench was developed using the Eclipse 3.4.2 Application Framework. That version of Eclipse seems to be incompatible with the latest Java 1.8 releases from Oracle, resulting in failure to start. If you have one of these versions of Java installed as the default Java on your system, you will need to install a compatible JRE (Oracle Java 1.5 works) to get the the workbench to run. There are at least three ways of specifying that a workbench install use a different JRE from the default. One, you can add a line to the "workbench.ini" file inside the workbench main directory, using the "-vm" flag to point to the compatible JRE. Alternatively, you can copy the "jre" directory and its contents from an Oracle Java 1.5 install into the workbench folder. Finally, if you are on 64-bit Windows, you can use the Development version of the workbench below, which includes the Oracle 64-bit Java 1.5 JRE, and should work out of the box.
Development version: story_workbench_1.2.0_sdk_win32.win32.x86_64.zip (340 mb)
The above zip contains the development version of the workbench. This version includes the complete Eclipse 3.4.2 Plugin Development Environment, the Eclipse 3.4.2 Delta Pack for exporting the executable for all platforms, as well the Story Workbench plugins and their source code. This can be installed and used just like the regular Story Workbench, but can also be used to develop new Story Workbench plugins and export new Story Workbench executables. The source code is bundled inside of the Story Workbench jars.
End-user Versions:
(see note above on Java 1.8 incompatibility)
OS | Windowing System |
Arch | Link |
Windows | Win32 | x86 64-bit | story_workbench_1.2.0.win32.win32.x86_64.zip (158 mb) |
Windows | Win32 | x86 32-bit | story_workbench_1.2.0.win32.win32.x86.zip (158 mb) |
Windows | WPF | x86 | story_workbench_1.2.0.win32.wpf.x86.zip (157 mb) |
Mac OSX | Carbon | x86 | story_workbench_1.2.0.macosx.carbon.x86.zip (158 mb) |
Mac OSX | Carbon | PPC | story_workbench_1.2.0.macosx.carbon.ppc.zip (158 mb) |
Linux | GTK | x86 64-bit | story_workbench_1.2.0.linux.gtk.x86_64.zip (158 mb) |
Linux | GTK | x86 32-bit | story_workbench_1.2.0.linux.gtk.x86.zip (158 mb) |
Linux | GTK | PPC | story_workbench_1.2.0.linux.gtk.ppc.zip (158 mb) |
Solaris | GTK | Sparc | story_workbench_1.2.0.aix.motif.ppc.zip (157 mb) |
IBM AIX | Motif | PPC | story_workbench_1.2.0.aix.motif.ppc.zip (157 mb) |
HP-UX | Motif | ia64 32-bit | story_workbench_1.2.0.hpux.motif.ia64_32.zip (157 mb) |
To install the workbench, download the appropriate zip file for your platform, windowing system, and architecture, and unzip the file to the installation destination of your choosing. Make sure you have Sun/Oracle Java 1.5 or higher installed on your machine. The zip comprises a single folder called "workbench": the story workbench executable is inside that folder.
Mac Users: Do not move the workbench executable out of the workbench folder, as this will break the installation. If you want to place the workbench in your launch bar or somewhere other than where the installation folder is located, make an alias to the workbench executable and move the alias into the desired spot.
Linux Users: Make sure you have Sun/Oracle Java 1.5 or higher installed and set to be your default JVM. Many Linux machines do not come with Sun Java installed or set to the default (rather they often have an alterative, such as Open JDK).
For more information, or to reference the Story Workbench in your own work, see the following papers:- Finlayson, M.A. (2011) The Story Workbench: An Extensible Semi-Automatic Text Annotation Tool, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, Stanford, CA. pp. 21-24.
- Finlayson, M.A. (2008) Collecting Semantics in the Wild: The Story Workbench, AAAI Fall Symposium on Naturally-Inspired Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, pp. 46-53
The following is a 5 minute flash screencast of the Story Workbench in action: