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New First-Annual Unofficial GSB Coin-Rolling Olympic Event

While there are no official CSAIL Olympics events this afternoon, due to the
Ski Trip, there will be the New First-Annual Unofficial GSB Coin-Rolling
Olympic Event!  

YES!!  The rumors are true and we can finally confirm them; that this is
going to happen, and happen today!  CSAIL Olympic participants can earn
points for their team by rolling the extra GSB change into coins, so that
GSB custodians will not have to carry around the last seven years worth of
coins in perpetuity.  Each player will score points for his or her team by
properly rolling coins of the proper type into the proper paper tube.  Only
properly-done rolls will score points.  Please read the rules, following:

We have actual flat, paper tubes from an actual bank with color-coded
stripes on them indicating the denomination and quantity of US-mint coins
that will fit into the tube, once expanded and made circular.  We will have
a chart explaining this further down the page.  Now, first of all, we want
to get this straight before the players get this confused, the paper tubes
come FLAT or FOLDED, and you can't actually put the coins into them until
you open the tube up into a more cylindrical shape.  Once you do this, our
engineers and quality assurance team assures me, you will be able to fit the
coins into the tube.  After a few coins have been put into a
properly-cylindricalified tube (ah, I'm hearing now, yes, I'm sorry we're
not supposed to call them cylindricalified, just "round"), into the
properly-rounded tube, you will be able to stack more coins of the same type
on top of each other by placing these further coins into the tube.  It is
then important that the right number of coins get stacked into the tube,
because there is no marker or indicator to inform you when the limit of the
tube has been reached; you will have to keep count.  In this way a player's
skill, not only at manual dexterity, but also at counting to numbers
possibly as high as forty (40), becomes a factor.  We at the GSB engineering
team think that this will challenge players in new and exciting ways, and we
look forward to seeing how CSAIL-Olympians rise to meet these challenges!

--- Olympian's Paper Rolling Chart ---

Color -- Denomination -- Total Value -- Quantity

Forest Green -- Dimes -- 5 $US -- 45
Aqua -- Nickels -- 2 $US -- 40
Persimmon -- Quarters --10 $US -- 40
Burt Sienna -- Pennies -- 50 c.US -- 50


Must be present to win at this week's event collocated with ...

            +-                                                  -+
              girl scout benefit -+- **4pm**  -+- 32-G9 lounge
            +-                                                  -+

               For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
           Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
       floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

*We're receiving word now that we have the wrong quantity listed for Dimes
in the Olympian's Paper Rolling Chart.  Our QA team will try to get a fix
for this together shortly, and we will send more mail when we know for sure
what the issue is and how to resolve it.

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Small GSB Logo Small GSB Logo Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn yaks, the den-mothers at csail

Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:53 2008