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list moderation (was Re: [csail-related] gsb: tonight at 5:30pm in 9G)

On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 09:35:36PM -0500, Gregory Marton wrote:
> p.s. Noah, what would you think of putting csail-related temporarily into
>      emergency-moderation mode so this can quiet down a bit?

Aww, you're no fun.

But more seriously, what's wrong with people using the list?  That's
what it's for, right?  I realize things are going somewhat off topic,
but the draconian moderator is not a role I want to play.  I feel like
labwide mailing lists are really underutilized here, and I think really
strict (and apparently subjective) posting policies don't help that.


Noah Meyerhans                         System Administrator
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

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