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Brief hiatus in GSB for the holidays

For the next 3 weeks we will have "Distributed GSB." In contrast to our usual model of congregating in one place (the 9th floor) we will be distributing ourselves through both time and space for the next couple of weeks. Wherever you find yourself at 5:30LST (local standard time) on the next 3 Fridays make sure to raise your glass with those around you, explain to them what GSB is and then enjoy.

Don't be alarmed by being in a different spot from usual, or by being surrounded by different friends and family from the usual GSB gathering. What you are witnessing is the real world. It does in fact exist, even when you are at a conventional GSB... Who knew?

Anyway see you when we return in the new year on Friday January 12th.

           +-                                                  -+
             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

              For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
          Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

P.S. If you want to have a conventional GSB between now and then, and you know what to do, then do it.

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Small GSB Logo Small GSB Logo Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn yaks, the den-mothers at csail

Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:52 2008