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Reading Room Space

We're taking a break from our summer re-runs to comment on Breaking News!!

We're glad headquarters has finally recognized our urgent need for space
in the building. Here are our suggested uses for the space formerly
known as the Reading Room.

7. Autonomous kayak storage

6. Robot petting zoo

5. Holodeck. Oh, wait.

4. Permanent Charlie Card trading outpost

3. Student/Adviser sparring/kick boxing/sumo wrestling area

2. GSL kitchen / Dog park

1. GSB Lounge

0. I don't know, maybe just a place where people could hang out and read... we could keep a lot of books and conference proceedings there, and then people could even borrow them if they want. Ah... too crazy, it'd never work.

           +-                                                  -+
             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

              For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
          Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

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Small GSB Logo Small GSB Logo Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn yaks, the den-mothers at csail

Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:52 2008