GSB Comic - April 11, 2003
by Tracy (Writer) and Olya (Artist)
Google's New Pizza Initiative Campaign
Come take advantage of Google's new pizza campaign initiative aiding
poor CS students who work late!
Wondering why Google is doing this? Here's a note from the source:
If folks are wondering why Google is doing this..basically the greatest thing we get out of this is "good will"! We have several engineers here who clearly remember what it was like to be a hard-working CS student, pulling all nighters and working diligently to meet a deadline or finish a project. In typical Google fashion, we like to feed and nourish those hungry bellies and brain cells and say Good Luck and Keep Up The Great Work!
Need help in decifering today's comic?
gaggle = aggregation; cluster
Gogol = Nikolay Vasilyevich 1809-1852 Russian writer; called father of Russian Realism; wrote masterpiece Dead Souls (1842), etc.
googol = the figure 1 followed by 100 zeroes equal to 10100
goggle = to stare with wide or protuberant eyes
goggle-eye = rock bass (a brown spotted sunfish (Ambloplites rupestris) found especially in the upper Mississippi valley and Great Lakes region); warmouth (a freshwater sunfish (Lepomis gulosus) chiefly of the eastern U.S. -- called also warmouth bass)
guggle = gurgle
Gugleheimer = member of the new merged AI/LCS lab
gulag = the penal system of the U.S.S.R. consisting of a network of labor camps
All GSB comics based on (mostly) real life comments. (Although we reserve the right to take them out of context.)
Writer: Tracy Hammond
Artist: Olya Veselova
Editor: Tracy Hammond
Editing Program: PARC ScanScribe
Help appreciated from: Matt Marjanovic, Brooke Cowan, Christine Alvarado, and Mike Oltmans
Copyright, Marked and Traced Comics, 2003.
For old comics:
April 04, 2003
March 28, 2003
March 21, 2003
March 14, 2003
March 07, 2003
February 28, 2003
February 21, 2003
February 14, 2003