GSB Comic - May 9, 2003

Writers: Gremio, Christine, and Tracy
Artist: Tracy

The yaks are running wild and need to be shaved.

Are you shaving a yak before finishing your thesis? Come tell us what your yak is at GSB.

Free Google T-shirts to all at GSB!

This GSB is sponsored by Google's new pizza campaign initiative aiding poor CS students who work late!

Wondering why Google is doing this? Here's a note from the source:
If folks are wondering why Google is doing this..basically the greatest thing we get out of this is "good will"! We have several engineers here who clearly remember what it was like to be a hard-working CS student, pulling all nighters and working diligently to meet a deadline or finish a project. In typical Google fashion, we like to feed and nourish those hungry bellies and brain cells and say Good Luck and Keep Up The Great Work!

All GSB comics based on (mostly) real life comments. (Although we reserve the right to take them out of context.)
Writer: Greg Marton, Christine Alvarado, and Tracy Hammond
Artist: Tracy Hammond
Editor: Tracy Hammond
Help Appreciated From: the Yaks
Editing Program: PARC ScanScribe

Copyright, Marked and Traced Comics, 2003.


For old comics:
May 02, 2003
April 25, 2003
April 18, 2003
April 11, 2003
April 04, 2003
March 28, 2003
March 21, 2003
March 14, 2003
March 07, 2003
February 28, 2003
February 21, 2003
February 14, 2003