From: Oded Maron
Subject: GSB - today at 5:30
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 13:58:57 -0400 (EDT)

At today's GSB, we will be observed (from a safe distance) by a reporter from ComputerWorld. This reporter would like to get "a true picture of the culture and personal makeup of the AI research community". To me, nothing personifies the AI research community more than a bunch of graduate students, researchers, and professors sitting around in a windowless lounge, drinking.

This means that all of you need to be on your best behavior: do not introduce yourself as "Marvin Minsky, generalisimo of AI". Do not disparage the bathing habits of fellow lab members. Do not go into a lengthy diatribe about how you're going to show that satisfiability is tractable and how you're going to use it to rule the world with an iron fist. Most importantly, do not build a web-server out of discarded root beer bottles like last time.

What you are allowed to do: talk about how everybody at the lab is working together toward a common goal. Talk about the important research done at the Media Lab. Discuss how all the dating really limits the time you can devote to hacking.

This way, the reporter can get an honest view of our culture and personality. Imagine how pleasantly surprised your typical reader of ComputerWorld will be next week when they look for a review of the latest intranet technology, and instead find a discussion of Mary Chung's swans.

  G   I   R   L     S   C   O   U   T     B   E   N   E   F   I   T

7th floor playroom May 2, 1997 5:30 pm