From: Oded Maron
Subject: GSB - today at 5:30
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 14:56:13 -0400 (EDT)

Jaws were dropping at Sony Studios. A movie that was supposed to make less than a million dollars has already been seen by over 100 million Americans, and indications were that they were actually going back to the theaters to see the movie again and again. "Fast, Cheap and Out of Control" opened to positive reviews at a few art houses. Word of mouth quickly spread, and Kendall Cinema added extra midnight shows to accommodate the angry mob.

The national chains picked it up, and within weeks all screens in all multiplexes from Chattanooga to Iowa City were only showing one movie. "Speed 2"'s release date was pushed back because no one wanted to see it. "How can you compare Sandra Bullock on a cruise ship to a movie about the meaning of life? I mean, she's cute and all, but that mole guy has really changed my life", said one enthusiastic audience member, referring to one of the characters in the movie.

The film is a documentary about four people: a lion tamer, a person who studies mole rats, a topiary gardener, and a robot designer named Rod Brooks. Much like the Beatles or Monkees, every person has their favorite. "I think that Australian robot guy is groovy, and I also like George [Harrison] and Davy [Jones]", said a fan.

The surprising success of the movie has left producers scrambling for sequel possibilities. None of the stars had options for a sequel, and they have probably priced themselves out of budget range, according to an industry insider. The studios are after another eclectic group, most likely a magician, a travel agent, a sculptor who works in the Spam medium, and an MIT cryptography professor. "If only I knew that people were into lion tamers, I would have added that lion-taming scene into Star Wars", said a despondent George Lucas, whose "Star Wars" was dethroned as the highest grossing movie ever.

Come join us for a very special screening at this week's

  G   I   R   L     S   C   O   U   T     B   E   N   E   F   I   T

7th floor playroom May 30, 1997 5:30 pm