From: "Jeremy H. Brown"
Subject: GSB: TONIGHT! 5:30pm 7AI playroom!
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 15:54:53 -0400 (EDT)

Next week, I promise an extended humor piece. For now, I leave you to contemplate the mysteries of the MIT admissions office:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Admissions Office Room 3-108

77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 021390-4307

Phone 617.253.4791 Fax 617.248.8304 Email

6 April 2000

Dear ,

We're so glad you've made it to Campus Preview Weekend. We've been looking forward to this for weeks, and though you may never have been to MIT before, we hope you'll quickly feel at home among us.

This weekend, we've arranged to give you access to some of MIT's best resources: labs, classes, lectures, and yes, plenty of food. We want you to consider yourself one of us for the next four days, but because you aren'tyet a full-fleged MIT student, we ask that you please wear the wrist band we are distributing at Registration. This will identify you as a member of the class of 2004. In other words, it'll get you access to the premiere level of service MIT students enjoy, not to mention Thursday night's part, Saturday's dinner, weekday classes, CPW Lectures, etc.

Now since you still formally belong to your parents for the next six months, we need to ask you to do a few things this weekend so we can reassure them we intend to get you back to them safe and sound. Before you leave the Registration area, please call your parents and let them know you've arrived safely (free phone calls home are provided in Twenty Chimneys). We'd hate to get a frantic call from them wondering where you are. More importantly, you'd hate that embarassing moment wen we'd have to call you out, in front of everyone, to tell you your mom wants you to phone home.

With the exception of heading out to an FSILG (Fraternity, Sorority, Independent Living Group), please stay on campus. We will do our best to make sure you have a safe time on MIT property; we can't quite do that inside the Tower Records in Boston or at our friendly rival up the street in Cambridge. Be aware, because you're not quite 21, that we epxect you'll not be consuming any alcohol during CPW, either. No alcohol or illegal drugs, or I'll just have to call your parents. Wouldn't *that* be an ugly scene.

One more thing. Before you run off and have fun this weekend, please sign you name below my signature letting me know you've read and understood these rules of the road and return this letter to one of our Registration tables. So that's it. Try to have some new experiences and please get at least a little sleep.



Marilee Jones Dean of Admissions and Your Mom away from Mom




No, I didn't make this up.

****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ****************** ****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************