A recent construction update informed us that on Thursday, lead-contaminated soil being removed from the Stata Complex site began emitting a "strong sulfurous odor" that disturbed the occupants of nearby buildings. The update, of course, went on to explain that it was the result of chemical "stabilization" of the soil, that it was unusual, that it would not be repeated, that authorities had everything under control, and that nobody should be disturbed any more.
But I say those people are right to be disturbed. Disturbed, when a dig site used to hold a building erected by the military. Disturbed, when the site turns out to have contaminated soil. Disturbed, when the digging is funded by Bill Gates. Disturbed, when the diggers generate the smells of hellfire and brimstone. Disturbed, when the elements of every bad horror movie are present *right* *next* *door*.
For how long can it be before the ghosts of RADAR inventors arise from the slurry trench to haunt the blasted landscape? Before toxic-waste-mutated undergrads begin chanting for "more brains"? Before a gate to Hell itself is opened and merged into the underground parking structure/child care center? Before Cantabrigian traffic cops start actually directing traffic?
And how many students will suffer horribly for even thinking about sex? How many offices must explode in inexplicable fireballs?
Who will make the final sacrifice to end the horror? (Will their surviving roommates get straight A's?) It is to aid these as-yet unknown heroes that we must meet tonight, here, in the sanctuary of the AI Lab, to design the ultimate ritual of purification.
Although as extras we will not survive to the final reel, our notes -- hand-scribbled and nearly indecipherable -- will serve as guidepost to the hardy hero and heroine who will arise to save Cambridge in Frank Gehry's tasteful masterwork-in-progress, "Massacree at the Stata Center."
Come and see if you can survive through the first reel of tonight's...
****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ****************** ****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************
PS Yes, that is supposed to say Massacree; it's pronounced "mass-a-cree", preferably with a generic hayseed accent.
PPS YES, I *know* Rod Brooks is not actually eligible for President, dammit. That's part of the joke.