Popular wisdom holds that there is no art, no poetry, in the souls of engineers and scientists. To dispell this myth, today I present to you, unabridged, a poetic work by the AI lab's very own George "Geo" Homsy, scientist, engineer, artist, and poet.
====================================================================== SNAILSEX
they float hanging by an invisibly thin thread their translucent, bloated red sexparts intertwined in an iridescent ring of rhythmic yin and yang
alternately, each potent tip of crimson reaching inside then emerging to deposit its gentle caress to the nape of her lover's neck
their shells clash and crash and bump ignorant of all even my lamp and prurient eye and their colleague who, in her own blind accidental snaily way, pushes them clicking and bumping across the rocks
each having found her mark in her lover's receptive place ever tightening their strangulent holds around each others necks feelers withered to flaccid oblivious stubs, pumping fluids irreversibly, they twitch and pulse on into the night when mammals sleep
Join us for more works of art by scientists and engineers at tonight's...
****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ****************** ****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************