From: mark a foltz (
Subject: GSB: Tonight! 5:30 pm, 7AI Playroom
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 15:44:39 -0500

I am a schizophrenic foosball. I was always smaller than the billiard balls and never really fit in. My parents Cue and Eight Ball raised me in Flat Top Johnny's in the hay-day of the revolution. I had to fight hard while growing up traveling across town to the AI Lab foosball table. I would roll in to work every morning in time for the lunch time crowd and had to stay, often late into the night. You can imagine what this did to my psychological state of being. One day I snapped.

I knew I had to become more. I started hanging out under the coffee machine and eating the caffienated stalactites to build up my power. In the evenings I rolled from office to office and played chicken with the vacuum cleaners. I developed rippling muscles but lost that hard-headedness that my family was known for. With each passing day I was able to bounce higher and higher. But once I rolled past a video screen and saw my future in the movies - "Luxo Jr." was playing. If a big, fat, squishy ball could get a gig like that, then clearly I could get a big break.

With a quick flip of the wrist she sunk me into the right hand corner -- but not before I caught a glimpse of her platinum Rolex. She was not like the others. By chance, a business card floated down: "Creative Artists Agency." My chance! Adrenaline pumping, I timed the carom off the five man and into her Prada purse. The rest, as they say, is history; but even now, I gaze past the palm trees and the California desert, and remember my old friends at

****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ****************** ****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************

A Reply

From: "Bruce A. McHenry" (
To: "mark a foltz" (
Subject: RE: Tonight! 5:30 pm, 7AI Playroom
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 17:41:15 -0500


The story is amusing and has several congruities with my own life, though I lived in the hills above Palo Alto. I should be very entertained by the benefit but alas the rain makes my skate bearings rusty and I have yet to answer the afternoon mail, let alone start in on PS#2 for 6.170 if not the business plan for Discussion Systems.


Bruce A. McHenry Discussion Systems