From: (Jeremy H. Brown)
Subject: GSB: Tonight! 5:30pm, 7AI playroom
Date: 23 Feb 2001 15:36:35 -0500

I was standing at the urinal when a shrink walked into the bathroom. I could tell he was a shrink by the intensity of his gaze and by the way his piercing analysis of my body language ignored the larger realities of the situation.

"You're the very portrait of depression, boy!" he said in greeting. "Look at you! Shoulders hunched, hands together low and defensive-like, and you haven't even turned to acknowledge the entry of another person -- that'd be me, son."

What else could I do? I raised my head, threw back my shoulders, dropped my arms to my sides, and turned to acknowledge his entry. "Much better, boy!" he said immediately, but a moment later he was forced to add "Damn! Those were my good shoes!" A second after that he further espoused "And just look at the floor!"

"The shrink has returned to reality," I thought to myself and, adopting my original stance and facing, said over my shoulder "This is an 8th floor AI lab bathroom. The stalls back up hourly. As of now, that's now the cleanest patch of floor in here."

The shrink eyed the floor suspiciously, sniffed the air delicately, coughed, nodded a grudging agreement, trudged into a stall, and locked the door. His voice drifted out over the sound of shoes being swabbed with toilet paper: "Why are there four rolls in here?"

Ignoring his question while zipping up, I asked "What's a shrink doing in the AI lab?" Awaiting his answer, I heard him shift position; two rolls bounced to the ground in quick succession, rolling out long white tongues from beneath his stall door all the way to their stopping points against the urinal wall.

I went to wash my hands, turning on the water just in time for the white noise to cover the sounds of his beginning some more traditional bathroom-stall business than shoe-wiping.

"Mental health evaluation, my boy," he shouted from his water closet cubicle. "MIT is suddenly very interested in the mental health and well-being of its students. What is that pounding that's making the building shake?" He shifted position again, and I heard the telltale *chunk* of one of the toilet-paper hangers letting go; a third roll of toilet paper plopped to the ground and rolled to a resting place under the sinks.

Drying my hands, I asked "So what will your report say?"

"The physical environment is overcrowded, under-maintained, noisy, and shaking. The student I have met -- that'd be you -- showed classical signs of depression, and used passive-aggressive tactics when this was called to his attention. The only things keeping this lab from sliding into anarchy are a handful of powerful social rituals -- Olympics, GSL, and, of course, the Girl Scout Benefit. Why did the ventilation just turn off?"

"What will you recommend to MIT?" I asked as I moved toward the door.

"Recommend to MIT? Nothing! MIT just has me doing evaluations for press-release purposes. When the Globe stops writing about MIT's mental health situation, my work is done." I heard *shift*, *chunk*, *plop*, and and the fourth and final roll of toilet paper drifted out from under his stall to rest against my feet.

"However, For you, boy, I'd recommend intensive long-term therapy to deal with your depression and your passive-aggressive tendencies. Er, could you hand me that roll?"

Standing with one hand on the door, I contemplated the roll at my feet only a moment. Then, I turned off the lights and dove out the door while screaming "Passsive-aggressive *this* you psychoanalitic bastard!"

)From the lobby I walked calmly back to my office with head high, shoulders back, and arms apart, whistling happily at the thought of tonight's...

****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ****************** ****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************