From: John Fisher
Subject: GSL, SVUs, and you
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 10:43:57 -0500

A crisp, clear night. A light snow was falling, and falling, and falling, and falling, and falling. The sound of snow plows passing in the night. The four of us, occasionally joined by Anita, slaving away in the kitchen at 23 Stetson St.

Said Pollina, "They should each have 1.9 SVUs". Countered Gideon, "Isn't that a bit much? I think 1.5 SVUs would be more appropriate." John and Xiaochun offered silence, they didn't really care. It was getting late and this was an old argument. 1.5 SVUs, 1.9 SVUs, 3 SVUs, did it really matter? Well actually it did. If we didn't prepare enough SVUs, GSL would potentially be a disaster. Then again, time is a FC (finite commodity) and we certainly couldn't prepare in excess of 3 SVUs pp (per person). We settled on 2.11111111.. (that's 2 + 1/9) SVUs per person with a standard deviation of 4. Everyone was happy, no one was certain.

Now to the more unsettling question. What is an SVU? Coined by Polina, SVU indicates a Stuffed Vegetable Unit. Eating an SVU is like eating a vegetable which has eaten another vegetable (or in some cases a vegetable which has eaten another vegetable plus some meat).

Please join us at 12:15 in the 8th floor playroom for 2.11111... SVUs (plus or minus 4).

Your GSL chefs,

Xiaochun, John, Gideon, Polina