Many of you have been wondering what that funny poster was doing on the door of room Ne43-828
Well, now the story is about to be told. Unbeknowest to the faithful GSL lunch crew, our famous rock star and occassional graduate student, Geo Homsy had been secretly negotiating contract deals to perform live in Berlin on the day we signed up to do GSL.
Of course, we've all heard the excuses before: "I've got to finish my thesis," "I'll be presenting a paper at a conference", "My doctor recommends mylantra" But, "sorry guys, I'll be performing an electronically controlled, propane powered musical instrument, which produces percussive tones by exploding propane/air mixtures, inside of open ended steel pipes?" We just wish we were that cool.
Well, since he can't be with us, perhaps he will treat us to a free live concert of Large Hot Pipe Organ on the site of the soon-to-be-erected Stata Complex. Meanwhile, please enjoy our carefully prepared meal. Lamb saag, raita, mango lassi, and several other delectable Indian recipies that I can't pronounce. All at this week's
G R A D U A T E S T U D E N T L U N C H 12:30PM 8th floor AI Playroom.
...brought to you by Raissa, Radhika, Rebecca, and Jeremy. And, in absentia, Geo.
"It tastes just like cold stew. It's very meaty, moist and succulent. If we don't get right in there, tasting, smelling, looking at the product, we're not qualified to judge it. If we don't taste it ourselves, how do we know we are offering the best product we can?"
-- John Murray, during a tasting session at the Kal-Kan (dog food) plant in Vernon, California. [taken from _The Emperors of Chocolate: The Secret World of Hershey and Mars_]