If we told you once, we told you a thousand times. The return of the crazy Russians with the
"WHAT?! You've never had BORSCH????"
aka "No, it is NOT too much food!!!!" aka "Eat! Eat! You are so thin!" aka "Don't make dinner plans"
begins Friday, the 14th (that's tomorrow!) at 12:10pm, on the 8th floor, as usual.
Unfortunately, due to the recent ban on the use of Institvte fvnds to buy alcohol, previously planned main course (Vodka, what else?) had to be secretly replaced with Folgers Crystals. So we came up with the following alternatives:
1. My Grandma's secret recipe Borsch ("No, it is NOT too thick. If it's water you want, there's plenty in the faucet") Meat and veggie varieties. Sorry, the Numerical Recipe in C Borsch will not be available.
For those inclined adventurously enough to eat it the correct way, plenty of garlic will be provided.
2. Olivier. (Salad. Not Sir Laurence.) Well, if you want to get technical, this meat variant of potato salad is originally french, but you will not find a Russian party without it. Please notice that there are two ways to parse the last clause of the previous sentence. Veggie option available.
3. Vinaigrette. This variant is veggie, and also everpresent.
4. Something good we will pick up tomorrow at the store because we are grossly under budget so far. We hear your laughter, we know you don't believe us... You must come and check out this miracle of economics for yourself. Bring your local Senator.
5. Did we mention dessert? No? Oh, well, if you tried everything above, you don't have any room for it... a pity, really, as a large selection of cakes from the world's best bakery-- Kiev bakery-- will also be provided...
The party is brough to you by those crazy Russians Alex, Julia and Sasha