Just like the good old days(*) -- sandwiches (ham, cheese, turkey, pb&j, etc), fruit, carrots, chips, milk, and even ice cream for dessert! And there will even be sugar!(**) Pure and simple, just like every kid's dream. Your parents never let you eat it out of the bag back then, so now is your chance.
Lunchtime will then be followed with naptime. So after you eat you will be required to find a space on the floor and lay perfectly still for at least 15 minutes. No whispering with your neighbor.
All this will take place tomorrow at noon (or thereabouts) in the 8th floor playroom as usual. In an effort towards environmental conciousness(***), please bring your own plates and cups if you can.
Brought to you this week by me and HomeRuns... which reminds me, please take a moment to do two things: 1. sign up for the empty weeks if you haven't already signed up. 2. make sure you can cook the week you are signed up for. I will have the list tomorrow at GSL.
(*) Of course, your parents are not here, so assembling your lunch will be a little more complicated than opening your lunchbox and extracting the contents... in fact there will be no lunchboxes involved.
(**) I got it for free with my order from homeruns.
(***) Ummm, and because I just realized I forgot to order plates, napkins, cups and utensils... I sure hope that GSL closet doesn't let me down.