Date: Thu, 13 Feb 86 09:26 EST
From:: elisha
Subject: seminar notice
To: *mac@MIT-MC.ARPA
Friday, February 14, 1985
12:00 noon - Lecture
12:02 p.m. - Refreshments
Room NE43 - 8th Floor Playroom
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
MIT, Cambridge, MA
"A New Approach to the Max-Flow Problem"
The Maximum Flow problem has many applications in the fields of
combinatorics and digestion research. In this seminar, the flow around
a standardized GSL table will be described. Audience participation is
considered a crucial part of the seminar. The first algorithm for the
problem was discovered in 1956 by Lea and Perkins, and a number of
algorithms have been proposed since then. However,all previously known
max-flow algorithms worked by finding alimentary paths, either one path
at a time or all shortest alimentary paths at once (by using the level
range technique of B. Crocker).
3 5/3 2/3
The previously known algorithms give an O(min(n , n m nm log n))
upper bound on the problem; the upper bound is achieved by a combination
of three algorithms due to Beard, Childs, and Rombauer. The only
previously known parallel max-flow algorithm, due to Duncan & Hines,
runs in parallel
time O(n log n) and requires omega (n) hands for each edge of the table.
We propose a method for computing max-flow without finding alimentary
paths explicitly. A sequential algorithm based on this method runs in
O(nm log (n /m))). This bound is better than the previously known bound, and
it is achieved by a single algorithm. A parallel algorithm based on the method
runs in time O(n log n) using a constant number of hands per edge of the
table; this makes the implementation of the algorithm much more feasible
(compared to the Duncan & Hines algorithm).