Date: Fri, 11 Apr 86 08:06 EST
From:: elisha
Subject: friday lunch series
To: *mac@MIT-MC.ARPA
Positions in
GSL / Gustation / Smorgasbord
Research at Cranberry Mellon University
We're looking for a few good people to join our crew working with
gustation for mobile students. Specifically, we need one gourmet and
one PhD level person to help us build a smorgasbord system. We have a
novel design for a smorgasbord, with independently running patrons
communicating via a generalized babble scheme. Since our smorgasbord
will be used for upwardly mobile students, it manages coordinated
appetizers, gourmet queries, and several other types of queries over
food. A first cut of the smorgasbord is already up and running, but it
needs to be tasted and fleshed out, and eventually redesigned. There
are interesting issues to be explored in multi-(food)-processor
implementations, processor design to support gourmet queries, system
configuration to take advantage of cliques of communicating students,
and operating system features to support smorgasbords, among other
We're looking for high-caliber applicants, preferably with Unix/C, CLU
or Common Lisp (or both) experience. Our experience has been that
people with EE, MechE, Physics, or Math backgrounds are often at least
as good as pure Computer Science types; so don't feel shy if you're not
a CS person.
Our representatives will come by to chat and chew on friday, April 11
at 12:00 in the 8th floor playroom.
Sponsored by: Monica Strauss and David Jacobs