From:: (Thomas A. Russ)
Date: Thu, 9 May 91 15:03:23 EDT
Subject: Robust Methods for Graduate Digestion
TIME AND LOCATION: 12:10pm, Friday May 10, Room NE43 8th Floor Playroom TITLE: Robust Methods for Graduate Digestion SPEAKER: Cal Q. Later, AI Laboratory, University of Munchagain An overview of work in applying robust methods to problems in graduate digestion will be presented. The talk will stress why robust methods are necessary and appropriate to problems in digestion. Robust methods reject starvation, preserve good mental health, and provide self-service and self-feeding capabilities. Examples from topping choice theory, topology and serving fitting in gustatory imagery, dynamic digestion for mobile students, and reliable navigation to buffets from unreliable and cryptic announcements will be presented. The two stage algorithm for topping choice can grid sparse data such as small amounts of pepperone, reject topping and pie edge-overlap due to correspondence mismatches, and fit a weighted product-cost cubic spline trade-off function to the data while preserving small business profitability. Results with real and creative data will be presented. Among mobile students, our algorithm for cheese fusion can combine philosphical and ethnic taste disparities formed from multiple inputs and determine a satisfying menu without assumptions about the scene or political views of the students. The student can determine the structure of his/her surroundings and correct emotion readings obtained from dead reckoning using egomotion. Results from an indoor scene will be shown. We present algorithms to determine position when nearly half of the sightings of leftovers are false. Hosts: David Jacobs, Todd Cass, Tao Alter Coordinator: Karen Sarachik Confusion Sower: Tom Russ