From:: (Jon Kleinberg)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 18:13:45 EDT
Subject: GSL Tomorrow 12:15
Hi Everyone, Guided by our nostalgia for that faraway campus far above Cayuga's waters, and guided by the sense that somewhere around here there must a truck that sells greasy pizza all night, we embarked on yet another pizza theme for GSL. But -- before you jump up and e-mail Charles in disgust -- let us explain. See, it's not really pizza. It's actually PIZZA POT PIE. To plagiarize a well-known cookbook that many of you may actually own (please mail your guesses to Charles (that's isbell@ai)) -- it's a hearty casserole featuring typical pizza ingredients --- sausages (wait -- strike that! no sausages), mushrooms (well, maybe), and tomato sauce (and other stuff too) -- baked together under a tender pizza crust. (Made with yeast no less. I know I'm nervous.) It is simple and satisfying, and with a green salad (we'll have one of those too) makes a complete meal. Well, what else can we say? There'll be dessert (Nestle toll house cookies), and some drinks. If you missed the earlier part about nostalgia ... it's a Cornell thing. So's the pizza truck. Brought to you by the Cornellians: Mike Leventon '95 Liana Lorigo '94 Jon Kleinberg '93 Sajit Rao (hadn't realized there were schools other than MIT) and with special surprise help from guest cooks Andras Benczur and Lilla Bago So see you tomorrow at 12:15. 8 AI.