It is the week of All Hallow's Eve, and GSL approaches. We search for brave souls to dare the devils and demons of this terror-filled night to seek out and prepare delicious foods, to sustain all the graduate students who labor against the darkness.
We seek but do not find. Many of those on the GSL list have VANISHED, and do not respond to our call. Some have not been seen in many months. Have they been stolen away by vampires or werewolves, prowling our corridors in the depths of the night? Others whom we contact are suddenly taken ill with mysterious and dreadful diseases. At last, only I remain to provide sustenance to those who still toil at their terminals and to greet them as they emerge into the new day. I turn to our faithful provisioner who will serve us yet again at this Friday's GSL, and ask those of you who yet live to join me.
Friday Nov. 1, 12:10pm 8th Floor Playroom Pizza, Drinks, and Dessert