Additional Key Words and Phrases: automatic theorem proving, logic, first-order predicate calculus, completeness, resolution, ground clause, set of support, merge, linear format, complete deductive system
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- W. Bibel and E. Eder. Decomposition of tautologies into regular formulas and strong completeness of connection-graph resolution. Journal of the ACM, 44(2):320-344, March 1997.
- C. L. Chang and J. R. Slagle. Completeness of linear refutation for theories with equality. Journal of the ACM, 18(1):126-136, January 1971.
- Richard B. Kieburtz and David Luckham. Compatibility and complexity of refinements of the resolution principle. SIAM Journal on Computing, 1(4):313-332, December 1972.
- Michael Kifer, Georg Lausen, and James Wu. Logical foundations of object-oriented and frame-based languages. Journal of the ACM, 42(4):741-843, July 1995.
- D. W. Loveland. A unifying view of some linear Herbrand procedures. Journal of the ACM, 19(2):366-384, April 1972.
- H. J. Ohlbach. Semantics-based translation methods for modal logics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 1(5):691-746, October 1990.
- Ross A. Overbeek. A new class of automated theorem-proving algorithms. Journal of the ACM, 21(2):191-200, April 1974.
- Raymond Reiter. Two results on ordering for resolution with merging and linear format. Journal of the ACM, 18(4):630-646, October 1971.
- James R. Slagle. An approach for finding C-linear complete inference systems. Journal of the ACM, 19(3):496-516, July 1972.
Selected references
- Peter B. Andrews. Resolution with merging. Journal of the ACM, 15(3):367-381, July 1968.
- J. A. Robinson. A machine-oriented logic based on the resolution principle. Journal of the ACM, 12(1):23-41, January 1965.
- Lawrence Wos, George A. Robinson, and Daniel F. Carson. Efficiency and completeness of the set of support strategy in theorem proving. Journal of the ACM, 12(4):536-541, October 1965.