Selected papers that cite this one
- Franz Baader. Combination of compatible reduction orderings that are total on ground terms. In Proceedings, Twelth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 2-13, Warsaw, Poland, 29 June-2 July 1997. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jean Gallier, Paliath Narendran, Stan Raatz, and Wayne Snyder. Theorem proving using equational matings and rigid E-unification. Journal of the ACM, 39(2):377-429, April 1992.
- Christopher Lynch. Paramodulation without duplication. In Proceedings, Tenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 167-177, San Diego, California, 26-29 June 1995. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- David A. Plaisted and Andrea Sattler-Klein. Proof lengths for equational completion. Information and Computation, 125(2):154-170, 15 March 1996.
Selected references
- Peter B. Andrews. Theorem proving via general mappings. Journal of the ACM, 28(2):193-214, April 1981.
- Wolfgang Bibel. On matrices with connections. Journal of the ACM, 28(4):633-645, October 1981.
- Max Dauchet, Sophie Tison, Thierry Heuillard, and Pierre Lescanne. Decidability of the confluence of ground term rewriting systems. In Proceedings, Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 353-359, Ithaca, New York, 22-25 June 1987. The Computer Society of the IEEE.
- Peter J. Downey, Ravi Sethi, and Robert Endre Tarjan. Variations on the common subexpression problem. Journal of the ACM, 27(4):758-771, October 1980.
- Jean Gallier, Paliath Narendran, David Plaisted, and Wayne Snyder. Rigid E-unification: NP-completeness and applications to equational matings. Information and Computation, 87(1/2):129-195, July/August 1990.
- Jean Gallier, Paliath Narendran, Stan Raatz, and Wayne Snyder. Theorem proving using equational matings and rigid E-unification. Journal of the ACM, 39(2):377-429, April 1992.
- Jean H. Gallier, Stan Raatz, and Wayne Snyder. Theorem proving using rigid E-unification equational matings. In Proceedings, Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 338-346, Ithaca, New York, 22-25 June 1987. The Computer Society of the IEEE.
- J. Gallier, W. Snyder, P. Narendran, and D. Plaisted. Rigid E-unification is NP-complete. In Proceedings, Third Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 218-227, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-8 July 1988. IEEE Computer Society.
- Gérard Huet. Confluent reductions: Abstract properties and application to term rewriting systems. Journal of the ACM, 27(4):797-821, October 1980.
- Dexter Kozen. Complexity of finitely presented algebras. In Conference Record of the Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 164-177, Boulder, Colorado, 2-4 May 1977.
- Greg Nelson and Derek C. Oppen. Fast decision procedures based on congruence closure. Journal of the ACM, 27(2):356-364, April 1980.