Selected papers that cite this one
- Francesco Bergadano and Stefano Varricchio. Learning behaviors of automata from multiplicity and equivalence queries. SIAM Journal on Computing, 25(6):1268-1280, December 1996.
- Yoav Freund, Michael Kearns, Dana Ron, Ronitt Rubinfeld, Robert E. Schapire, and Linda Sellie. Efficient learning of typical finite automata from random walks. Information and Computation, 138(1):23-48, 10 October 1997.
- Oded Goldreich, Shafi Goldwasser, and Dana Ron. Property testing and its connection to learning and approximation. In 37th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 339-348, Burlington, Vermont, 14-16 October 1996. IEEE.
- Oded Maler and Amir Pnueli. On the learnability of infinitary regular sets. Information and Computation, 118(2):316-326, 1 May 1995.
- Osamu Maruyama and Satoru Miyano. Inferring a tree from walks. Theoretical Computer Science, 161(1-2):289-300, 15 July 1996.
- Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. Diversity-based inference of finite automata. Journal of the ACM, 41(3):555-589, May 1994.
- Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. Inference of finite automata using homing sequences. Information and Computation, 103(2):299-347, April 1993.
- Ronald L. Rivest and Robert Sloan. A formal model of hierarchical concept learning. Information and Computation, 114(1):88-114, October 1994.
- Shinichi Shimozono, Kouichi Hirata, and Ayumi Shinohara. On the hardness of approximating the minimum consistent acyclic DFA and decision diagram. Information Processing Letters, 66(4):165-170, 29 May 1998.
Selected references
- Dana Angluin. Learning regular sets from queries and counterexamples. Information and Computation, 75(2):87-106, November 1987.
- Dana Angluin. On the complexity of minimum inference of regular sets. Information and Control, 39(3):337-350, December 1978.
- M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson. The complexity of near-optimal graph coloring. Journal of the ACM, 23(1):43-49, January 1976.
- E. Mark Gold. Complexity of automaton identification from given data. Information and Control, 37(3):302-320, June 1978.
- David Haussler, Michael Kearns, Nick Littlestone, and Manfred K. Warmuth. Equivalence of models for polynomial learnability. Information and Computation, 95(2):129-161, December 1991.
- Michael Kearns and Leslie G. Valiant. Cryptographic limitations on learning Boolean formulae and finite automata. In Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 433-444, Seattle, Washington, 15-17 May 1989.
- Alessandro Panconesi and Desh Ranjan. Quantifiers and approximation (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 446-456, Baltimore, Maryland, 14-16 May 1990.
- Christos H. Papadimitriou and Mihalis Yannakakis. Optimization, approximation, and complexity classes (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 229-234, Chicago, Illinois, 2-4 May 1988.
- Leonard Pitt and Leslie G. Valiant. Computational limitations on learning from examples. Journal of the ACM, 35(4):965-984, October 1988.
- Thomas J. Schaefer. The complexity of satisfiability problems. In Conference Record of the Tenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 216-226, San Diego, California, 1-3 May 1978.