Journal of the ACM -- 1967
- Alan
J. Perlis. The synthesis of algorithmic systems. Journal of
the ACM, 14(1):1-9, January 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Marvin C. Wunderlich.
Sieving procedures on a digital computer. Journal of the
ACM, 14(1):10-19, January 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- P.
A. W. Lewis, P. B.
Baxendale, and J. L.
Bennett. Statistical discrimination of the synonymy/antonymy
relationship between words. Journal of the ACM,
14(1):20-44, January 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Carl H.
Brans. A computer program for the nonnumerical testing and reduction
of sets of algebraic partial differential equations. Journal of
the ACM, 14(1):45-62, January 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Bruce A. Chartres and James C. Geuder. Computable error
bounds for direct solution of linear equations. Journal of the
ACM, 14(1):63-71, January 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- G.
W. Stewart III. A modification of Davidon's minimization method to
accept difference approximations of derivatives. Journal of the
ACM, 14(1):72-83, January 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- John C. Butcher. A multistep
generalization of Runge-Kutta methods with four or five stages.
Journal of the ACM, 14(1):84-99, January 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- R.
R. Coveyou and R. D.
Macpherson. Fourier analysis of uniform random number generators.
Journal of the ACM, 14(1):100-119, January 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Tzay
Y. Young. Binomial-weighted orthogonal polynomials. Journal of
the ACM, 14(1):120-127, January 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- George E. Collins.
Subresultants and reduced polynomial remainder sequences. Journal
of the ACM, 14(1):128-142, January 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Brian
Shaw. Modified multistep methods based on a nonpolynomial
interpolant. Journal of the ACM, 14(1):143-154, January
[BibTeX entry]
- J.
J. Kohfeld and G.
T. Thompson. Multistep methods with modified predictors and
correctors. Journal of the ACM, 14(1):155-166, January
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ann Yasuhara. A remark on Post
normal systems. Journal of the ACM, 14(1):167-171, January
[BibTeX entry]
- Seymour Ginsburg, Sheila A. Greibach, and Michael A. Harrison.
Stack automata and compiling. Journal of the ACM,
14(1):172-201, January 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 14, Number 2, April 1967
- Robert C. Minnick. A survey of
microcellular research. Journal of the ACM, 14(2):203-241,
April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Leonard Kleinrock.
Time-shared systems: A theoretical treatment. Journal of the
ACM, 14(2):242-261, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Jack
E. Shemer. Some mathematical considerations of time-sharing
scheduling algorithms. Journal of the ACM, 14(2):262-272,
April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. T.
Chu and J. C. Chueh.
Error probability in decision functions for character recognition.
Journal of the ACM, 14(2):273-280, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- David Martin and Gerald Estrin. Models of
computations and systems -- evaluation of vertex probabilities in graph
models of computations. Journal of the ACM, 14(2):281-299,
April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- William M. Waite. Path detection
in multidimensional iterative arrays. Journal of the ACM,
14(2):300-310, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. B.
Moore. A convergent algorithm for solving polynomial algorithms.
Journal of the ACM, 14(2):311-315, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Cleve
B. Moler. Iterative refinement in floating point. Journal of
the ACM, 14(2):316-321, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Manuel
Blum. A machine-independent theory of the complexity of recursive
functions. Journal of the ACM, 14(2):322-336, April 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- W.
J. Westlake. A uniform random number generator based on the
combination of two congruential generators. Journal of the
ACM, 14(2):337-340, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- O. G.
Mancino. Resolution by iteration of some nonlinear systems.
Journal of the ACM, 14(2):341-350, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Fred
T. Krogh. A test for instability in the numerical solution of
ordinary differential equations. Journal of the ACM,
14(2):351-354, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- A.
Ginzburg. A procedure for checking equality of regular expressions.
Journal of the ACM, 14(2):355-362, April 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- C. W.
Cryer. On the numerical solution of a quasi-linear elliptic
equation. Journal of the ACM, 14(2):363-375, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Alan Natapoff. Irreducible
topological components of an arbitrary Boolean truth function and
generation of their minimal coverings. Journal of the ACM,
14(2):376-381, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- H. E.
Pickett. Note concerning the algebraic theory of automata.
Journal of the ACM, 14(2):382-388, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Seymour Ginsburg, Sheila A. Greibach, and Michael A. Harrison.
One-way stack automata. Journal of the ACM, 14(2):389-418,
April 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. M. S. Sim\~oes Pereira.
Corrigendum: ``On the Boolean matrix equation M' =
\vee_{i=1} M^i''. Journal of the
ACM, 14(2):419-420, April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- G. P.
Weeg. Corrigendum: ``The automorphism group of the direct product of
strongly related automata''. Journal of the ACM, 14(2):421,
April 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 14, Number 3, July 1967
- D.
P. Gaver, Jr.. Probability models for multiprogramming computer
systems. Journal of the ACM, 14(3):423-438, July 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- G. K. Manacher. Production and
stabilization of real-time task schedules. Journal of the
ACM, 14(3):439-465, July 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. A. Brzozowski. Roots of
star events. Journal of the ACM, 14(3):466-477, July 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Richard M. Karp. Some bounds on
the storage requirements of sequential machines and Turing machines.
Journal of the ACM, 14(3):478-489, July 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Robert McNaughton.
Parenthesis grammars. Journal of the ACM, 14(3):490-500,
July 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Daniel J. Rosenkrantz.
Matrix equations and normal forms for context-free grammars.
Journal of the ACM, 14(3):501-507, July 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- I.
Oliver. Analysis of factorial experiments using generalized matrix
operations. Journal of the ACM, 14(3):508-519, July 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Victor
Klee. A method for constructing circuit codes. Journal of the
ACM, 14(3):520-528, July 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Frederic J. Mowle. An algorithm
for generating stable feedback shift registers of order n.
Journal of the ACM, 14(3):529-542, July 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. L.
Rigal and J. Gaches. On
the compatibility of a given solution with the data of a linear system.
Journal of the ACM, 14(3):543-548, July 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. S.
Hicks and J. Wei.
Numerical solution of parabolic partial differential equations with
two-point boundary conditions by use of the method of lines.
Journal of the ACM, 14(3):549-562, July 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Richard M. Karp, Raymond E. Miller, and Shmuel Winograd. The
organization of computations for uniform recurrence equations.
Journal of the ACM, 14(3):563-590, July 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- A.
B. Carroll and R. T.
Wetherald. Application of parallel processing to numerical weather
prediction. Journal of the ACM, 14(3):591-614, July 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 14, Number 4, October 1967
- Donald E. Knuth and Richard H. Bigelow.
Programming language for automata. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):615-635, October 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Robert W. Floyd. Nondeterministic
algorithms. Journal of the ACM, 14(4):636-644, October
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Arnold L. Rosenberg.
Real-time definable languages. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):645-662, October 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. Hartmanis. On memory
requirements for context-free language recognition. Journal of the
ACM, 14(4):663-665, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Arthur
Gill and J. Robert
Flexer. Periodic decomposition of sequential machines. Journal
of the ACM, 14(4):666-676, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Stål Aanderaa and Patrick C. Fischer. The
solvability of the halting problem for 2-state Post machines.
Journal of the ACM, 14(4):677-682, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Bruce H. Barnes and John M. Fitzgerald. Minimal
experiments for input-independent machines. Journal of the
ACM, 14(4):683-686, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- James R. Slagle. Automatic
theorem proving with renamable and semantic resolution. Journal of
the ACM, 14(4):687-697, October 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Lawrence Wos, George A. Robinson, Daniel F. Carson, and Leon Shalla. The concept of
demodulation in theorem proving. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):698-709, October 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Robert A. Fairthorne.
Morphology of ``information flow''. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):710-719, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Marvin B. Shapiro. An algorithm
for reconstructing protein and RNA sequences. Journal of the
ACM, 14(4):720-731, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- V. G. Sigillito. On a continuous
method of approximating solutions of the heat equation. Journal of
the ACM, 14(4):732-741, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Lewis T. Reinwald and Richard M. Soland. Conversion
of limited-entry decision tables to optimal computer programs II:
Minimum storage requirement. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):742-755, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- Marshall C. Pease. Matrix
inversion using parallel processing. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):757-764, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- P.
L. Odell and E. P.
Decell. On computing the fixed-point probability vector of ergodic
transition matrices. Journal of the ACM, 14(4):765-768,
October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- D. G.
Brush, J. J. Kohfeld,
and G. T.
Thompson. Solution of ordinary differential equations using two
``off-step'' points. Journal of the ACM, 14(4):769-784,
October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- A. Van Gelder. Some new results
in pseudo-random number generation. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):785-792, October 1967.
[BibTeX entry]
- S. Winograd. On the time
required to perform multiplication. Journal of the ACM,
14(4):793-802, October 1967.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]